Friday, November 2, 2007

Everyone vs. Facebook

We’re seeing a Flixster application on MySpace now through the OpenSocial APIs. Flixster says it took them less than a day to create this.
Wow! do things change quickly in the Internet world. I remember that old saying from back in 90s about one Internet year being like four ordinary years. Just when we thought that Facebook was about to win the social community war, Google strikes back. And they are not alone in this struggle. Just about everyone is ganging up on Facebook.

MySpace, Six Apart and Bebo have now confirmed that they are joining Google’s OpenSocial initiative. Orkut, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Ning, Hi5, Plaxo, Friendster, Viadeo and Oracle have already announced that they are Google partners on this initative.

TechCrunch is pretty straightforward: "Google may have just come out of nowhere and checkmated Facebook in the social networking power struggle."

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